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Tiannuo Yang (杨天诺)

Master Student
Nankai University


About Me

Hi there! I am a second-year master student at Nankai Baidu Joint Lab, College of Computer Science, Nankai University, with Prof. Yusen Li as my supervisor. I received the bachelor's degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2022.

My research interests lie in Cloud Computing and Systems for Machine Learning, such as large language models (LLM) and vector databases (VDB). As Moore's Law fades, my work aims to fully exploit hardware resources, free operators from complex system configurations, and enhance LLM & VDB efficiency through solutions that span data management, computer systems, operations research, and machine learning. My contributions include identifying performance bottlenecks, designing efficient system architectures, and inventing new optimization algorithms.

⭐ Looking for US PhD opportunities (Fall 2025) on System, MLSystem, etc.


  • [March 2024] One paper on Performance Tuning was accepted by ICDE 2024. Meet me in the Netherlands!
  • [Sep. 2023] Got the first citation (by Cai et al., 2023) in my career!
  • [Sep. 2023] Published a collaborative Survey on Green Computing.
  • [June 2023] Started academic internship at Ant Group (Beijing).
  • [June 2023] One paper on Performance Tuning was accepted by ICPP 2023.
  • [June 2023] Undergraduate thesis on Operations Research was accepted by SEPS.
  • [Dec. 2022] Won the 3rd prize in Massive Storage Competition (organizer: Huawei).


[Performance Tuning]

Towards SLO-Optimized LLM Serving via Automatic Inference Engine Tuning
K Cheng, Z Wang, W Hu, T Yang, J Li , S Zhang
arXiv preprint, 2024
PDF | BibTex

VDTuner: Automated Performance Tuning for Vector Data Management Systems
T Yang, W Hu, W Peng, Y Li , J Li , X Liu, G Wang
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2024
PDF | Code | BibTex

CoTuner: A Hierarchical Learning Framework for Coordinately Optimizing Resource Partitioning and Parameter Tuning
T Yang, R Chen, Y Li , X Liu, G Wang
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2023
PDF | BibTex

[Operations Research]

Feasibility on the Integration of Passenger and Freight Transportation in Rural Areas: A Service Mode and an Optimization Model
T Yang , Z Chu, B Wang
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SCI/SSCI, JCR Q1), 2023
PDF | Data | BibTex


Efficient Multi-GPU Parallel Pipeline Rendering Architecture
(高效的多 GPU 并行流水线渲染架构)

W Yang, T Yang, Y Li , X Liu, G Wang
Working Paper, 2023
PDF | BibTex

On the Opportunities of Green Computing: A Survey
Y Zhou, …, T Yang (Co-First Author), … and X Zeng
arXiv preprint, 2023
PDF | BibTex



  • [June 2023 - Jan. 2024] Academic Internship, Ant Group, Beijing, China.

Honors & Awards

Besides Research

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